
Hi there, thank you for trying out my Pinned Post Organizer tool, just one of my many personal side projects.

Just like with all of my work, which I create and share for free, I highly value your time and your trust. When you log in with your account, here's what happens next:

You will be asked to allow the following permissions:

After you approve these, you will get access to the app's main interface, which will show you your pinned posts in a drag-and-drop interface, which will let you order them in any way you like. You can then use the "Save pinned posts" button to finalize the order.

You will also get a list of your currently pinned posts that you can save as a backup if anything goes wrong.

Don't worry though, the worst thing that can happen is that the process breaks halfway through for some reason, like your server not responding, and you might have to manually pin your posts again. But that's very unlikely, I just don't want to leave you hanging if this does for some reason happen.

None of your data is stored outside of your own browser, which will remember your fediverse domain, your user token, which is used to load and save your pinned posts, and can be cleared from your browser using the "Log out" link/button in the navigation menu. Your fediverse domain will continue to be saved for convenience, so that if you log out and want to use this tool again later, it will remember for some time.

If you'd like to completely remove all saved data, here's how you can do that.

You can download the source code of this app from GitHub.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out!